1a. Could its ancient inscription depict an Omagh onset (5,5) )---m-t---
2d. Breaking soil like this is most upsetting (9) r-o-I-g
5d. Tidy cattle (4) --a-
Thank you...
Grid 1.
22a. Well-meaning (7) E-g-e-t
Agriword 766.
5d. How one lost a section of the choir (5) A-n-
12d. Poems in here may identify fine, woolly creatures (6,5) M--1-- sheep
Many thanks...
3d. Dublin business established 25 years ago (1,1,1,1) I-s-
RTE Crossword No. 46.
15a. When some only see a blue moon celebration (4) O-c-
Many thanks....
21/24d. Do something funny, as well you may tell (4,1,4) --k- ---- 25/27a. With nothing to say, they still hold sway (6,8) -I-e-- m---r-t- 17d. One could be put away for being so fervent (9) -o-------...
10a. RTE gets a new superlative (8) -r-a-e-t 21a. They make an unusual case for the bettering of kings and queens (4) A-e- Agriword 759 11a. The document shows intelligence is about right (4) -r-t...
Grid 2. 8a. Better law (6) -e-o-m Agriword 756. 12d. How might I lie by lanky scenic east coast area (8,3) K--l--e- bay 17d. Published again what kept one's off-spring in the red (8) R--n-u-d Many...
6d. One against another causes hard feelings - there's the rub (8) -r----I-n 11a. Might be in the soup to choose the French (6) P---- 7d. When you're down at it, a crust will do(4) -e-- 23d. On an...
16a. Which 20th Century American statistician is regarded as the father of opinion polls (6) G---u- 14d. What are the in initials of the GAA in irish (1,1,1) Irish Mail on Sunday 879. 16d. Observe...