why is it that then whenever we do some thing that is in our perception enjoyable there is all ways some pay back IE you drink alcohol . You get a hangover You smoke . possible cancer unprotected sex...
just in tesco went to lift a bag cat litter on two the belt and the bottom split sending the entire contents all over the poor check out operator and the belt witch then jammed . Its a long time since...
the weather forecast is cr*p for this week end but yet I am sat looking out of my window at a five mile traffic jam heading for the east coast. at least every forth car is pulling a caravan . mad mad...
Thick moment please let me know what all the text abbreviations are some i know like L M A O . LAUGH MY AR*E OFF L O L LOTS OF LOVE . OR LOTS OFF LAUGHS Please send me more thank you
M&S had 50 organic Easter eggs to give away to the first 50 customers worth ?5.99 Mrs DP bought some crisps and I followed her and bought a news paper . we both got a egg I was the 50eth customer ....
What do you think about town pigeons , love them or hate them . I think they do a grate service by eating up all the Friday night sick . and left over macdonelds . and bits of pizza etc.