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What would you be do if someone took your computer off you Or what did you do all day before you got a computer ?
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the clocks go forward on sat/sun morning . how many clocks do you have to alter ?. And this includes things like the oven and cars.
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the butter fly is back
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why is it that then whenever we do some thing that is in our perception enjoyable there is all ways some pay back IE you drink alcohol . You get a hangover You smoke . possible cancer unprotected sex...
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isn't it a lovely butterfly o2 ad left hand side of page . as for this woman riping her hair out ( below ) are you sick of seeing this ?
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just in tesco went to lift a bag cat litter on two the belt and the bottom split sending the entire contents all over the poor check out operator and the belt witch then jammed . Its a long time since...
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who is the furthest ABer away from me I'm in York UK . Where are you? Just town and country
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why is Easter called Easter
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do you get wet when you go on this little boat . I im manly thinking about my camera as it dont like water
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the weather forecast is cr*p for this week end but yet I am sat looking out of my window at a five mile traffic jam heading for the east coast. at least every forth car is pulling a caravan . mad mad...
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Thick moment please let me know what all the text abbreviations are some i know like L M A O . LAUGH MY AR*E OFF L O L LOTS OF LOVE . OR LOTS OFF LAUGHS Please send me more thank you
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M&S had 50 organic Easter eggs to give away to the first 50 customers worth ?5.99 Mrs DP bought some crisps and I followed her and bought a news paper . we both got a egg I was the 50eth customer ....
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if X amount of us ar none religious why do we celebrate Christmas and Easter with such vigor . is it just to get a few days off ?
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has Any body else noticed the picture on the front page of the daily mail Free DVD the ship is the right way up when surely it should be up side down
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when somebody wins some thing easy they say it was a cakewalk . origins pls
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What do you think about town pigeons , love them or hate them . I think they do a grate service by eating up all the Friday night sick . and left over macdonelds . and bits of pizza etc.
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would you eat squirrel . they are selling them on york market ! I suppose they should have a health warning ( May contain nuts )
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I dont believe it some one has made a film called ( SON of RAMBO) what next ? SON of ROCKY .

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