AMAZING! You can always rely on her to provide a good answer on most subjects. And she seems to be around 24/7. Is she a consortium? Or a super computer?
I had a day in Naples recently (a cruise stopover) and we were advised that pedestrians have no right of way on zebra crossings there and sure enough it soon became apparent that Neapolitan drivers...
The British Empire waved the white flag. The USSR waved the white flag. We let America sh*t on us. Why? They're only one country in a whole planet of nations. They're backward politically and have...
It seems that most presenters such as news and light entertainment wear these but also there guests i wonder if they ask there guests or say you will have to wear one when we interview you, they cant... 5/comic-book-guy.gif this is mine .......anyone else think the same ?.................................................... Am I right ? I'm not wrong !
. . . in France it was "il Pleut" Motley crew on nite No 2 !! (a sore head in the morning) Backwards & forwards across the river (15 times in all !!) Electric storm in "Plastic City" . . . And snow on...