Three men walk into a cube-shaped room. The room has no doors or windows apart from the door they walked into and the only object inside the room is a pad of paper. 7 days later, 2 of the men walk out...
After a a night of rainfall I noticed as I opened my front door to leave in the morning that a large number of egg/spawn like individual circular jelly with a black spot things were scattered...
2 youths appealing against sentence for kiling goth girl. man killed in supermarket. I feel anaethatised (sorry for spelling) The tide must turn// Things must stop. The death penalty must be returned....
I know nothing of our garden birds, except that some are Robins. The rest? Sorry ..... Anyway, I like them, and would like to attract more into the garden, by providing nest boxes, food, etc. So any...
how or why did you name your pet i have a cat called buster because as a kitten he was fat a cat cat called ( dustypuss ) as he is dusty colored act called sheba looks like the cat on the Sheba advert...
Well today I was searching the house for my cat and after not finding him presumed he was out. After several hours I was beginning to get concerned and still couldn't see him anywhere. I went out to...
I think the xylophone is the most cheerful musical instrument as it's impossible to play a sad tune on one (ask Patrick Moore if you don't believe me) instead of prozac manic depressives should be...
Does anyone else wish they had a better AB name? When you first sign up, and it asks you for a username, you don't think of anything clever, you just whap down the first thing that you think you won't...
doesnt it just naff you off when you give a answer in say (Travel or music ) and the Aber who asked the question doesnt have the courtesy to reply with a thank you !
hi Iv had a lovely day to day iv been to the seaside scorby near scarborough been rockpooling iv collected 5lbs of Winkles which iv just boiled alive later i will eat them one by one with a bit of...
started watching this lastnight but missed end, have seen it before but couldnt for the life of me remember who harriet is at the end, the american girls other flatmate that arrives in England, anyone...