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Where do you think the nicest place in England is ? Where would be a nice place to go to for a few days that is quiet and pretty ?
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do you like it? do you think it deserves its bad reputation? xx
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just shut it knobbynonut
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dose any one know when the BBC are going to restart phone in quizzes . I used to love Sunday local radio quizzes .I used to win lodes of little things like BBC mugs or cinema ticks
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my cat makes a reeely reeeely wierd noise when he is sick i know this sounds horrible but is this normal?
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do you think scooby do is well past its sell by date .yiks,s he he he he!
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5 across it shows high water position t??????? 10 across kind of water tap 6 down unseen stallar object ??r? ??a? 8 down find guilty again ??????i?? 27 across greatness (of evil) ?????i?y 21 across...
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Morning, I need some advise on buying some software for my pc so I can edit photos etc. I want to be able to crop photos, get rid of red eye, improve the colour etc - basic to intermediate stuff,...
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How much electricity dose my PC use compared to a normal TV
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Serious for a moment . Does any one know what this CO/COMMENT Thing is all about .It keep popping up all over the AB page
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my cat is waljking aaaall ovver my kkkeeyyy board gy dev1!!!!!!!!!f
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Senga 2
does anyone know if there are many mozzies in Sousse at this time of year.? we're going on sunday and don't want to pack the spray etc if we don't need them
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how long would a simple gunshot wound (if there is such a thing) to the shoulder take to heal, and how long would recovery be?
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Doc Spock
Saw an ad on TV yesterday for a cleaner that uses "high temperature" steam. No sh1t. I bet it uses "wet" water as well.
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can you delete more than favorite at a time as i have thousands of old favorites that i need rid of and doing it one by one With the ( are you sure you want to delete this ) every time is a pain ....
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Have I had enough of the Churchill advert ( OH Yes ). whats the most annoying advert of all time in your opinion
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hi I am going into hospital on Sunday I was wondering how do i log on to the answer bank using another computer will i need my A.B pass word Etc I have never used the Internet out side my home before...
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Bewlay Bros
Has anybody seen this? What a load of weey pants.
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pleas how do I find out my AB pass word I forgot-en it . I'm going into hospital on Sunday for a while and I miss chatting to all the ABers Thank You.
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how many films has freeman narrated on i can name 4 shawshank redemption . the march of the penguins . million doll baby. + bucket list. any more pls

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