10ac. Runs back having dash in German region.(9) ??I?E?A?D could be rhineland but can't see cryptic. 8dn. Escape monster blowing top in fight.(5,3) ???A?,O?T could be break out but again can't see...
answers are pop groups or singers 1. these birds visit us in the summer (5,7) 2. used to build houses (8) 3. several L.I. 150's 10) 4. a bad state to get in (4,7) any assistance is greatly received...
16a Scene of battle where elder possibly is cut off,holding fire(7) ??ET?R? 23a With one having gone,memberenters to show affection(6) ??O?T? 26a Wild animals with fleshy bits crossing river(6)??A?O?...
help required, please 3a Flying Dutchman perhaps and German leader smuggled drug to artist, 2 words, both 5 letters- ??A?D ?P??A- 1st word possibly grand? 1d traffic delays follow vehicle overturning...
All answers are a variety of fruit, vegetable or flower. Stuck with a few as I cannot find answers on any search engine. A LIBERTY super food which is an American's favourite pie (9) wonder if it is...
Hi i am stuck on the brickwork puzzle i have all the other answers but CANNOT get my brain to work out what number 3 is - Carp like fish 4 letters
appreciate the answer thanks...