First puzzle is called 29th May: If plus and minus 155 days are equal then 201 and ABC are equal and 725 and 725 are equal. The hint for solving this puzzle is "not a leap year" Second...
Totally stuck on three today. Any help would be appreciated. 9a Shrinking or shrivelling. N?R?ING 19a A counterfeit note or coin (col) ?A?M?R 24d A formal or solemn command. ?I?T...
Am I the only one still struggling with this quiz? Any help on no8 Larry, its said, was on horseback with a secon fellers boots (9) 23, Expression of approval for a quiet , short break-interrupted by...
Places in the U.K. A single word beginning or ending with port, the clue gives the remainder of the word. Example: Opposite of north = Southport. The two I am stuck with are: 1. A famous British...
Hi Friends, can you help solve clue in the quiz I am trying to do. This ruby wine is non alcoholic plus safe refuge. 11 letters. I think it will end in haven but cannot think what the first part could...
9a) Member close at hand (3) A?? 16a) Is included among the others to set up some opposition (6) ?E???T 19a) It's used for surveying an aircraft schedule (5-5) P???E, T?B?E 20a) Public individuals...
Part 2 DM 14312 22a It's found in trap possibly with tail missing (3) RAT. Why? 4d Bird with this sulky behaviour may be unpredictable (9) PETULANCE. Why? 21d They're cross, upset about spelling...
i am filling this quiz in ready to post and have just realised i have two answers the same no. 8 Add a S to make a leader[6] no. 22 Likes it quiet [6] i have kipper for both answers can anyone please...
9 Across,Father left waste,not left wasted!(9) ??????R?D 11 Across, Flower specialist taking head off (5) SORRY NO LETTERS 12 Across, Resident of Balkans holding to New Englander(9) B?C???O?? 25...
Sorry again, my original question does not seem to have got through. 1a Ground bird inhabiting grasslands of Australasia and elsewhere. Again, thanks in advance.