48a) Manufacturer's tradename? FreshMint (5,3) Have got ???n? n?w 53a) Prefers token gifts (7) ?????r? 45d) Bearing direction indicator is small in width (6) n????? 50d) Prepared to take off with new...
Below is a link to 11 pictures of famous people, can anyone help in naming them. Thanx in anticipation. http://s256.photobucket.com/albums/hh169/Nanni e1959/Quiz/Quiz%20Pics/
All answers are fruits or vegetables and are straight, anna or anagram Shown annually in a sealed box (12) Cultivated by Romans: mediaeval aphrodisiac (10) (Could this be nectarine?)
27DN Two sad detectives in novel (1, 4, 2, 4, 4, ) A, ?A??, ?S, ???E, ???S 45A World Heritage Site desolate, so campaign to get rebuilt (8, 2, 10, ) ??N???G, ??, ?????O?T??? MANY THANKS
final few. any help appreciated. 28a (4 and 6). White House approval for one of the silver screen's most enduring movies ?A?A and ?L?N?A 5d (3 and 6). Be of shrewd judgement from the sea fringes...
Why is it too much trouble for people to say thank you when others answer their queastions? I have taken note of those who do not say thank you and will not help them in future. Earlier I gave several...
15dn I check on a prison term wanted for Alaskan newcomer It seems to be chechaquo or chechaqua but why? Where's the prison term? Or have I got the E,C or U wrong? Any help appreciated.
Please, please can anyone help with my last one, 10, Girl in a thousand [6] possibly garden I can see grand but where does girl come into it, Thankyou.
Just 2 to get now thanks to dxhound. Answers are related to flowers. 1. The wise man's stamp of approval. 2. A lurker from a US state. Any help appreciated.
Help please. Either questions or answers are connected with flowers. 1. Pale bloom on sportsfields in Ireland and Tottenham. 2. The wise mans stamp of approval. 3. She was one of the girls. 4. A...
I have been trying for years to find the poem of which I know only a few lines. I believe the following to be correct but can anyone help me please: "Out across the hilltops I heard the strangest...