18d. With raised platform unlocked rook that if occupying it (9) 20d. Labour result the end of Gordon Brown possibly with euro being divisive (7) 19a. Begin with body cavity (7) 29a. First things you...
22d. Bearing the burden is found to be unbearable (7)
16d. About winding up sale are eager and ingratiating (8)
18d. For Lois Peter ordered profiteroles and us some mousse (8)
Struggling to get started this morning 1a. Bustier person admired innGladstones historical romance (6,6) 26a. Bonn perhaps or thereabouts (6,6) 7d. Naked drunk with very bad hairy feature (7,5) 10d....
4d. Metals used is coins and lamps for Coumbian ship (4)
8d. Ducks again rest with legs wide facing up(6)
29a. All outsiders from Ephesus came inside pound and became calm (8)
10d press gathering American material on ones children's book (4,7) 27a puzzle setter built this arch across island in stone (6,8) 28a orbiting Mars initially I came in the new tardis perhaps (4,7)...