Last ones
1d Someone who doesn't understand information (4)
24d Line turning up in middle of new item (4)
26d Nothing very new about energy being required for heater (4)
Thank You...
Need more help to finish
25 and 27a To make things worse ones following subjects around the sunshine state (3,3,6)
16d Tell me the reason for appeal to the men in white coats (4,4)
1a Sham trial (5)
4a Frank reveals personal facts about writer without permission (9)
23d Also charged with making on snooker table and small disturbances (2,3)
Morning Doing ok today just need some help to finish 1a Model about to be caught by runner a wild beast (6) 21d Old village in which pagan god will have power (5) 22a Article penned by tearful...
13d Domestic assistant or housekeeper of a college at Oxford(5)
38d British civilian population during the Second World War collectively (4,5)
Having a bad morning 5d Defile whatever swindle brings in (6) 23a Terrific energy vented by anger was sufficient (8) 24a Condition of links foremost in short chain (6) 27a Something to fire monsieur...
Struggling today 1a Artificial frequency unit doesn't start without it (6) 5a Worthless items shut up and shut up again (6) 14a Then for future duck as starter (9) 25a Something rounded and...