An absolutely first-rate puzzle to start the year. I felt smug having got the basis of the theme from the first "crowded cell" I came across along with the title, but then there was the small matter...
A very entertaining and well-constructed puzzle. Hard to believe how much the setter fit into such a small space. One minor quibble. The thematic subject of the puzzle, as described by its Wikipedia...
Anything I say will set off yet another argument about easy and hard Listeners, so I'll leave it at thanking Piccadilly for a brief spell of entertainment....
Well I suppose it's possible that I've gone a little wrong somewhere (made a couple of mistakes in counting in the across clues first time round, for instance), although I don't think that the...
The preamble was enough for an early PDM, although I've not actually played the game properly before. Then it was a relatively speedy gridfill before I nervously attempted the endgame, dreading the...
I'm still a bit uncertain of the misprint for the fifth letter of the name, but have no qualms about the rest. Some nice clues, and a satisfactory endgame. Many thanks, Colleague. Now back to tracing...
Some excellent clueing, especially where extra letters were unambiguously indicated. The end result may never win a prize for elegance, even with the speakers revealed, but the gridfill speeds up very...
All over rather too quickly for my liking, but I enjoyed the join-up-the-dots picture-forming. Clues perhaps a bit easy for this outlet. Anyhow, now plenty of time for tennis and/or sweltering in the...
This has produced a giggle but it was a tough solve until the message appeared and we are going to have to be very careful with our checking of our final grid. What an amusing and original idea. Many...
With Shackleton last week and now this puzzle, the Listener is finally picking up pace after a rather slow start to the year. This puzzle is fun. Straightforward fill and a pleasing endgame. Puzzles...
Listener No. 4333 - In the Event of Fire by Flying Tortoise This thread answers requests that there should be a more directly helpful forum for Listener Crossword solvers on AB. If you want to...
Well, those who have been moaning that the early ones were too easy have what they wanted here. This has been a real challenge, growing easier as it progressed, of course. We still have some ends to...
How sad to see the last puzzle by Radix. Of course he treats us to a range of devices. We have just found the source with a great sigh of relief but still have lots of systematic calculation to...
What a brilliant use of the circular grid. This has been a remarkable piece of compiling and an extremely difficult puzzle which became easier as we progressed (suddenly dramatically so!)....