Please help with parsing of 16 down.Clue is: plant belonging to boring drinking establishment.9 letters.I have A?B?R?I?E.Is it AUBERGINE? How does it work? Many thanks.
What hotel may offer for very few people or a number (3,3,3) T?A ?O? ??O Why is it TEA FOR TWO? Centre of activity features extravagant outdoor amenity (3,3) ?O? ??? Ready to sleep, but... ...
The clue is “rustic doctors “very fine cat” (5) the answer is DIVAN but i am at a complete loss as to how this comes about, i fail to parse this at all, i know that v can mean fine in relation to...
Am I the first to post for this one? A superb puzzle - thanks, Ifor! Challenging throughout, but well-paced, and with a nice moment when it all started to make sense. I'm happy with my final Answer,...
A very enjoyable extra word puzzle, made challenging by excellent clues throughout - thanks, Mr E! The endgame is not difficult to spot, but I don't understand why we need to highlight the...
1) Nice to see moderate article embracing acceptable opinion (4,2,3,3) The answer is EASY ON THE EYE (Nice to See), but I can't get the parsing. 2) Thick offender having stumbled in seconds (3) F?T....
Doing things for an author. Ans was given on here as "Agent nouns" but no explanation was given. An explanation was given on another site as "Wikipedia explains, “In linguistics, an agent noun is a...
Please parse .
"If not well, it may be 4." Ans Oiler . The answer to 4 is shipshape.
"If not well" is ill and an oiler is a ship but can't quite get there.
I found the clues tough to the point of annoyance in the early stages, but it became easier as the thematic material revealed itself. I find this way of presenting the clues adds the extra obstacle of...
Good afternoon, A nice-looking challenge from Rebus! I was expecting something much more difficult, but am surprised to see through many of the clues. Some Answers/Hints would be appreciated for the...