Just listening to Radio 2 & they're discussing whether to phase out Miss or Mrs, in favour of Ms. Personally, I've always been happy to be known as Mrs. However, if I were in the unfortunate...
Right - well my battery went flat on my Clio (V-reg), and as a result it reset the radio. I then took my car to the local Renault garage, who have been trying to work out the code for about 2...
I've always had combination skin but just recently, my face is soooooooooooooo oily it's driving me crazy, I'm constantly applying powder to soak it up!!! Does anyone know of any cleanser, toner,...
Ive decided that since Mr Buttons is working a late shift tonight and wont be home till about 11ish that im going to have a chinese tonight to save me cooking. What should i have? What is...
For lunch i just had, 2 big cookies, a ham sandwich, a galaxy, a mars bar, a packet of walkers max crisps, a muffin and i;m just about to eat a chocolate moose. I sooo have the munchies today!...
Morning everyone! How are you all today? You'll have to speak loudly as I can't hear a thing today - went to a concert last night and the girl behind me shreiked in my ear the ENTIRE time. She sounded...