This week's offering is Sine Qua Non by Shackleton. No one should panic that I have finished it already - I've only just read the preamble and feel the need for a lie down in a darkened room. No doubt...
I think we have turned a corner in terms of difficulty. Another outstanding grid construction. The lack of unches made the task easier once the quotation was got, but the way it all tied in together...
I am glad there was no dilemmas here (which was the case for me in "A New Year Message" 2008). As with all of the year's listeners so far, the grid was fairly easy easy to fill, but the...
This week's offering is "The Glady Marsh" by Salamanca. This is only the second Salamanca Listener that I have seen that is not part of his Plays of the Bard series. Another fairly fast grid...
I very much enjoyed last years penny dropping moment with playtime, and likewise with this weeks listener, it was very neat how it all came together. No ambiguities although one answer I couldn't find...
This week's offering is "364 263 by Xanthippe" A straightforward grid fill which now leaves me with the problem of following the instructions, whilst not being an owner of the required...