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Last one 1D. Muslimns everywhere face criticism about a poll in Iran (8) -A-I-L-M explanation please Many thanks in advance
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18D. Chambers stifling random criticism (7) --T---- Really stuck on this one With explanation please Many thanks in advance
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Finding this a toughie 12A. Child slept briefly in novel (9) R---A---- Not sure about the R 1A.Midshipman before leaving is relaxed (4-5) --S- G---- With explanation please Many thanks in advance
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5D. Shaver is in short,for bit of growth (5) S-R-G could be sprig or sprog but why? Many thanks in advance
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1D. Just below miserable total (9) -----i-h- 2D.We note change to French capital (8) -----o-n Explanation please Many thanks in advance
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10A. Excellant range shown by Charles (8) -P-C---- think it is epicures if so why? Many thanks in advance
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8D. Compound police overtime payment spoken of!(6,7) --P-E, -N-T-A-E Explanation please  Thank you in advance
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7D.Caught and was sick(6) N-I-E- think it is nailed but  why? 19D. One cutting leader on Sun page is enough for the present time (-P-C-A-E)  Explanations please. Thank you in anticipation
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15A. Talk and talk? Bob does perhaps (7) Pretty sure it is Rabbits but why? 8D. Very small flimsily made new shed (4) T-N- could be tiny or tent Explanation please Many thanks in advance
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3D.Besotted by small garment (7) -O-T-E- 8A. Experimental domain almost one state (9) we think it is  DOMINICAN if so why? Explanation for both please. Thank you in advance
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18D. A boring barbarian ? (7) G-O-I-N Explanation please Many thanks in advance
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1A. Balls turn and one's tense in play (5,8) -T-E-,A-N---S- An explanation would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance
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5D. Split rides over water's edge 9. Should be anagram of rides over but looks like riverside 14D. Obstinate aphid edged round 3-6 looks like pig- headed but not enough D's for the anagram
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4D. Apology for a ministeraltogetherso chaotic (12) T-E-L-G-S-E- Last one cannot find a word that fits. Unless we have one wrong somewhere Many Thanks in advance
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6D.Took away second half performed (5) -C-E- Think it is acted if so why? 19D. car to run noisily to end of lane (5) -O-P- Think it is coupe understand the E at the end but what does the rest mean... ...
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27D. A place for trunk up high (5) A-O-T looks like aloft but why? 58D. Jot down only four of the vowels (4) N-T- looks like note but why? Many thanks in advance.
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6A Down with some Arab women's clothing! (1,3) -,B-S 11A. Former lover walking away from murder gets wind up (9)  T-R-I-A-E think it is terminate but why? 1A. Time flies somehow disrupting a good... ...
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11A, Cobblers to return in musical(3-3) H-T -I- Think it is Hat Pin but why? many thanks in advance
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Finding this week a real toughie. 19A. Some find missing son tried hard (5) T---E  17D. One mug admits match is a reversal (5-4) A---T - -A-E Explanation please Many thanks in advance
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9A. Paper run from temporary accommodation (9) T-M-S---E Think it is timescale can see the times but not the rest 15A. Rare red meat sandwiches not available in M&S? (5,4) T-A-E, ???E maybe trace... ...

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