12a "Curiouser" said Alice. Even stranger to let daft Dormouse redo? (5) ?D?E? 22a ...to get hitched to her, we hear. (5) ???R? 23d They'll take 5 for a while before playing their parts to the... ...
4a A good day for observing the entrance of the supergroup? (7) S???A?? 11a Internally, I'm turning dark red, having gained a stone, though not at all heavy. (6) ??M??? 27a Find principal ingredient... ...
10a Cycling has given go-ahead in review of hat (5) ??A?O
3d Acres about to be lost for other measures (4) A?E?
6d a second saint in good book (4) A?O?...
12a As biblical tomes reveal how David did for Goliath (5) ?M???
2d ...as that instability true North and South disclose (6) ?N?E??
24d Paradoxically, Tom Cat's lap top's necessity (5) ?O?S?...
6d Notwithstanding Brexit, a British capitalist... (8) ?O?D???R ('D' may be wrong)
15a they gotta be cracked to chew off more than you can bite (4) ??T?...
6d They make frequent appearances in Phoenix, and in considerable numbers (9)
A?I?O?A?S I think its ARIZONANS but can't parse it?
17a The Sign of the Cross? (4) ?L?S...
1a Gym equipment held in restraint? (6) H???E? 9a After little time ship set off (7) T???G?A (not sure of the ‘A’) 2d Endlessly extolling fictional sleuth (6) ?????N. Watson? 16a Had a row, we hear,...
28a Is 20 due for a change (5) L?V?S .....where 20 is ELVIS. It must be LIVES or LEVIS? Any clues? 24d One's employed by mostly strict worker in hospital (6) S???E? ....think it is SISTER? as in STER...
22a First half of Polish class involves cooking seafood (8) ??A???T? 28a During filming - e.g. a sequence from House Guests - move seamlessly from one scene to another. (5) S???E 19d Being in highest...
23a Means to carbon-date section of Bible? (5) ?G??? (last letter may be D from DISCOVERED below) 11d Underworld prisoner given shelter from Gloucester's winter (10) D?S?O?E??? .........is it...
10a Up against them for all at sea, they've got to be known eventually (3,5) ?H? ??P?S 12a s grouchy r l y (5) 2nd Letter R ?R??? 2d ^What's this? Or these that surface ^^^? Aargh! Go fish (6) ?H????...
20a Old car recovered from stormy sea on Mexico's west side (6) ?S?O?? I can only think of ESCORT but can't parse that - Any clues? 21d Digital online provider of something to keep Merlin grounded (5)...
113a Secret Santa (4,5) K?I? K?N?L? The answer is clearly Kris Kringle but only 6 letters in the second name? Is is Kris Kingle or Kris Kindle? Any ideas please - this is my last outstanding clue...
25d H?? The lady who comes first in the eyes of the saints is not a nice person, at all, at all, at all. No way! 27a Gets around Princess Royal to drop a note at last to those who spend lots of time...
27a Mephistopheles, full of wrath returned dressed in uniform (8) ???E?I?D 29a Singer with passion has audience (8) ???A?N?R 21d Sort of mottled food container (3,4) P?E ???? Pie Bowl? Piebald? Many...