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Did anyone notice a blunder on Eastenders last night,Tuesday. Monday night she got into a car with some lads,Lucy pulled her out and the car sped off. Lauren then has a go at Lucy saying that her bag...
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Basically I had a classical ringtone on a mobile about 11 years ago. I loved it and have never been able to find the name of the song. However I have just heard playing on the tv (bridalplasty) at the...
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My husband's elusive great-grandfather was Reginald Hinckley. According to the 1871 Census when he was 4 years, he had been born in 1867 in Surrey, the son of Reginald snr & his wife Fanny (nee...
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is is "Shroosbury"? or is it "shrowsbury"?
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Can anyone tell me the proverb?
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Hello, i was given this website in the hope i could find out more about my grandma Elizabeth Smith and when she died. I have tried the usual family tree websites and sent off for death certificates...
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If the black (for example) is potted, but then cannot be replaced on its own spot as another ball is in the way, I believe it goes on the next available spot going down in points values. Where does it...
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granny grump
Just left with 2 please can you help? 15. Cofffee tastes nicer with 24. Fit the best...
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3 nights ago a friend and I dreamt virtually the same dream. We didn't speak immediately before sleeping and were 6 miles apart. I dreamt she was being held in a 1930s semi by a man in a long coat...
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Where can I see any traditional performance of Richard 111?
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Could someone go and Facebook - find me - Katie Hilton (location, Mexico City) - have a look at my profile picture and identify the church ruins - they are either in Hampshire, Devon, Somerset, Avon...
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Why is it that when I park in an empty car park, I always return to find that the only other car that's arrived since is park RIGHT NEXT TO ME, surrounded by an empty car park ...... why?? Do people...
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Some time ago I went to a pub near (opposite) the Tower of London ...... opposie also the Tate and Lyle building - and I am sure it was a Wetherspoons ................... it's not the Hung, Drawn and...
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Hello All - If I am not out of credit, could one of you look up Dorothy Leah Butler on the 1911 census in Staffordshire please? She was born in 1910. I have a feeling she is connected to my Butler...
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what would you put in the Reason for Leaving section? I don't want to put the employer off. Tnx in Advance xx
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I have now solved this problem. It turns out that John Blick born doddershill 1831 was Mayor Droitwich 1863 not Bromsgrove Many thanks to all who replied...
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we're thinking of joining a genealogy site to search family history,and was wondering if anyone could recommend much are they,and how long is the contract.
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Has anyone used these patio cleaners that say you just dilute spray on and leave and if so were the results worth the cost pease

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