If the Large hadron collider lives up to all expectations and does n`t destroy the Earth , what will it mean to the average man in the street in the long run. what return will those companies that...
About a week ago I tried to help someone with a question he asked, good advice, but I have since noticed he keeps asking the same question over and over. So I replied again, only this time got abuse,...
i am being steralized in september and would like to no if anyone has had it done?... how sore do you feel after??? and recovery period ??? also how much time should i have off work???
After a kitchen refit using taps fitted with diffusers I've noticed this disgusting build up. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk165/ykl99 /PICT0436.jpg?t=1213967533 I've let it get to this stage...
If I wanted to buy a camera to take pictures (without a telescope) of say, saturn's rings or jupiter and its moons, what kind of optical zoom would be required. 10x, 20x, 100x? I literally have no...
Feature on the One Show about the Krays, some people regard them as icons They committed terrible crimes yet they are seen as "heroes" movies books about them, how do they stand with todays awful...
i need help trying to get hold of my sister all i know is that her name is trudy she has two girls and a boy her husbands name was brain and she moved to peterbrough thanx.
i was watching a shooting star out side last night, lighting up the sky then went dark then light up again and it lasted for a few seconds, and then for thirty seconds vanished and then all of a...
I bought a kitchen item second hand from ebay and the handle is made of plastic and it reeks of petrol (maybe it was stored in a garage). To remove the smell, I have soaked it in washing up liquid and...
I sold a digital slr camera on ebay on 27th feb, i checked everything was working on the camera before posting and everything was absolutely fine. A few days later the buyer contacted me saying the...