Hi there, I'm a bit stuck on the last 2 from the comps in the weekend papers, can anyone help please.................... From Saturday's quiz (theme disney characters): 9) Fire or flames / Elle...
Almost finished this quiz but stuck on two veg/fruit. the other answers seem cryptic Double bed Plant four score No numbers of letters given but grateful for any help please. q.
6d repeating it will take time to get into shape ???r???o? 4d save to take one somewhere in italy ?a?i 8a the figure it gets to is the same ?i??? 14a tells on and there are tears s?l???
1. An almost horizontal mineshaft used for access drainage A??T 2. A short hairstyle worn by women in the 1920s 4 LETTERS E?O? 3. South African delicacy of strips of meat dried and cured 7 LETTERS...
16a - defamation of well-known or important people 9&8 **A*****M *A*N*T** 12a dog with woolly coat and lamb-like appearance, bred as a badger hunter 10&7 B*D*****O* **R**** (Terrier?)
does anyone know when the new rammstein album is coming out or what it will be called. im a huge fan and im desperate to get it as soon as it comes out
Is there a Classical or Italian scholar out there,please?
65 down. The 16th century,especially in reference to Italian art and architecture ( 11 letters )
C * U * U * C * N * O