mixed-race couples in adverts? Is it because they're trying to show they're racially tolerant, displaying they're agreeing with current philosophies or merely saying 'it's ok to have mixed-race...
One left: 40ac: Expedition at a great distance, in South Island (6).
I have _A_A_I. Only thing I can think of is HAWAII, but can't get it to fit the clue. Any ideas anyone?...
help please 2d transfer and allow deliveries 8,2 words GIVE???? 16d exits before poor rep with losses runs out 11 P???????SES 21d old tales of undoubted daring 4 ???A 23d penitential garment carried...
I'm taking a 2 week holiday in India in November and need to take out travel insurance. Having looked on the net there seem to be dozens and dozens of providers. Does anyone have any recommendations?...
The Google Chrome bookmarks bar is showing icons which don't have anything to do with the bookmark. For example the Answerbank bookmark has the Facebook icon, another has the AA icon but is nothing to...
My old boss still owes me money, for wages, and lates fees and interest - and he has asked me many times to wait until the money is recouped and then he will pay -(the money is trickling in little by...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-41266184/ringo-starr-says-people-voted-for-brexit-so-get-on-with-it Despite living in LA and not bothering to vote in the Referendum, he still thinks that his...
My daughter has been offered a job as a nanny in Central London. The job comes with a car and a flat. My question is this, would these be taxed as "benefits in kind"? This would make a massive...
Advice please as to where I can get a 'Certified Copy' of my Birth Certificate. The Post Office will do this for every document except Birth,Marriage & Death Certificates. Advice as to from whom else...
I've noticed recently that when I open Google Chrome and click to open a new tab and do a search it comes up with a Yahoo results page. Anyone know why this would be?
Why have Labour not bound and gagged the shadow Home sec?...
My European Health Insurance card has expired an my husband has never had one. We are going to Portugal in August and wondered if we still needed one, and how to get one.
Can anyone provide me with the words to the poem Steve Allen read out this morning on his LBC show. It was all about shame and went something along the lines of:- I do not wish to know their names.......
Myself and my husband are due to go to London a week on Friday to see a concert Friday night, then fly back up on Saturday. I am really worried about going with everything that's been happening......
I ask this because my paternal grandfather (who died in the year I was born) fought all the way through WW1 without any injuries. However, my dad never had a good word to say for him. He said he was a...