i was wondering how you guys cope with jehovah witnesses visiting your homes..its get some in month december...thats what mullein calls it..i have had a letter asking them not to call sent and yet the...
When do you know that you really have depression? Everyone feels low at some points of their life however at the moment I feel unable to raise my spirit for anything due to pressures at work and...
I am looking to bulk up in upper body, especially my arms... i also dont want to spend any money doing so. i am already doing push-ups, can anyone recommend any other thing. (i dont want to be doing...
I want to lose weight and then give up smoking. A tall order. So does hypnotherapy work? Any one got first hand experience? Its expensive, so I don't want to waste my hard earned...
Voices with soul,Changed The words of Lady Marmalade on saturdays nights X-factor.Voulez-Vous coucher Avec Moi,roughly translated ,will you sleep with me.Because they are christians.How dare they...