I am curious as to why we have a race relations council et cetera. Everyone is to some extent racist - ie we all make decisions based on a nationality and have stereotypical views - it may not...
i have recently become more and more aware of the dangers of fire related illnesses and (for want of a better phrase), found myself growing paranoid at the thought of SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. My...
I want to get the equivalent of a pre-nup drawn up. My partner is moving in and I want it to be legally binding that he will have no claim on the house if we split up. (Hopefully not!) The house and...
I've always been scared to ask...
How small is too small?
I have heard the average size. The questions are all about bigness. I know there are some whoppers out there.
Minimum size please ladies.
If your bloke (fiancee of 3 years) had once a crush on a female friend (who he only knew for about 6 months) and you caught him sending suggestive texts, broke up with him, he realised what he'd done...
Right now after reading a certain question on here I'm craving Ben & Jerry's ice cream (just give me a tub, any tub) but how can you conquer food cravings? Usually I want sweets or chocolate and...
Here's a controversial one (which I raise for the purposes of discussion and not because I necessarily agree with it). Given that it seems to be agreed that animals on their way to, and also in, the...
Before I begin, this is not a question about whether people believe in God or not. I just need a wee bit help with a concept. I have done workshops before on spirituality whereby I have compared...
Hey Guys and girls. im a player and a pimp, if u know what i mean. i like to go out with as many women as i can, not necessarily to have sex but to boost my confidence. I mean when i started it was...
I recently read that fox hound is put down at the age of two, and therefore the Pro lobby's talk of needing to rehouse the dogs (which clearly comes across as a responsible attitude towards their...
Past generations have always regarded as normal particular practices or beliefs which later generations came to see as immoral. For example, slavery was once regarded as acceptable by most people. Or,...
Oh dear. What an embarassing and shamefully un-British display at Westminster today by the allegedly civilised pro-hunt demonstrators. Have they done their futile campaign any good or is that the...