8a. Spirited horse is found in the rock-garden (6) A????? 22a. Don't allow bitterness to remain (7) no letters yet 14d. A scare about eastern cargo (7) ?R????? 15d. Address given by the clergyman? (7)...
15 ac Musselburgh-born comedienne (5-7) (Rhona ?ame???) 21ac Scotlands second deputy First Minister.(5-7) (?i?ol-S???h?n) 26ac Scots word meaning be bound, loyal or committed to.(5) (t?i?l) (30ac Dram...
I know this quiz is not due in until August but find myself absolutely inundated with different quizzes to finish. Have managed to find 97 of the answers but would appreciate some help with the last 3...
2 d to supply esp means of subsistance - - o - - - e 3d put up with hardship and pain - - - - r - 9d lever used to turn a rudder in a boat - - l - - - 18d variety of tropical tree with small yellow or...
26a Scots word meaning bound, loyal or comitted to
I have letters t ?i/?l and 28a Doric word for harbour, sounds like lisped, iopposite of lows, I have lette rs h?t?e
60 down : heavy solid food 6 letters I thought of STODGE but have an A in place of the O 69 across : established method 9 letters for which I have PROGRAMME to have STODGE the A of Programme should be...