6D Not what landladies should do to boarders (5) _ e _ e _
25A A leader perhaps, but he won't lead (6) _ e _ e _ r
Thank you once again (and for previous answers)...
and bargained for Elvis in return for £100.? He asked me if i wanted cash-back on that deal but I had to refuse, 2 legends for £100, don't want to rip him off For the dummies Johnny Cash...
or is it just a term in his contract or just expected of him. I'm sure in times past it could well have been law but is that still the case? Is he expected to jeopardise his own life to save others?...
How many more families are going to be destroyed in this way - there have been a spate of them in the past 6 weeks, it so sad and seems to be an epidemic, that a father kills all his family....
1a) New reps taking on public face (7) P?T???? 9a) Deceived outspoken newsman (7) B?E???? 11a) Drink excessively to satisfy one's desires (7) I?D???? 8a) Therein unfortunately lies part of a double...
can anyone please help with my final two in this local charity quiz no.1 Not a leman no.2 a broken figure [no amount of letters given]thanks for any suggestions .
Just watched an interview on RTE with AWT, very impressed, no excuses, no trying to blame the past for his crime (as he called it). Sat for 2 hours waiting for police (who were brilliant) to come. I...
...says to avoid it two nights a week..
She was pouring a big glass of wine..
Mmmmm ....wine...
Is it just me who these ads actually make me want a big glass of wine or a g&t lol x...
Which celebs/actors would you class as ugly? Yeah I know this may seem like a mean thread and I don't want any "I bet you're not perfect yourself!" comments. Only bother answering if you're...
1d Ice cream desserts made from sliced fruit and banana covered with syrup and nuts s????? ... I thought it was sundae but it doesnt fit in with 10a Levee???
Thanks so much!!!!...