We won the pub quiz and I let my friend have the silver cup to keep for the year. I promise it had nothing to do with my aversion to polishing silver. I also discovered my knowledge of pop music and...
Feeling argumentative today lol Surely judgmental 37d is spelt wrong and it should be judgemental, it is in my dictionary anyway And 13a has to be MOTIF [only it isn't], MOTTO is a rubbish answer. Can...
was struggling 1 across - still interference 6 letters - t - t - c 5 across - a supporter but not for long 6 letters s - - - n - 8 across - jack, perhaps eccentric person 4 letters - a - d 11 across -...
Within twenty four hours, I have had two post completely removed. This post is not about the removed ones but about the protocol of removing threads. Will I be informed at some later stage as to why...
7d defective (5) - m - s - Would this be amiss?
12a brand with a hot iron (4 ) - e - r
8d nasal sound (5) - n - r - Would this be snort or snore
thanks for your help...
First puzzle is called 29th May: If plus and minus 155 days are equal then 201 and ABC are equal and 725 and 725 are equal. The hint for solving this puzzle is "not a leap year" Second...
Good morning everyone - sunny and warm today, but the hot weather's on it's way .. not my favourite time of the year !! Four nice little link words for us - figuring out what goes with which could be...
really stuck with these ones 37down to a higher level (7)letters _ p _ _ _ d _ 76 down reserve for a definite purpose (7) letters _ a _ m _ r _ 48across allure (7) letters _ _ t _ a _ t 122across...
Please help anyone.
11.Two plus a 24 hour stretch.
12.Leading rope darlings.
15.Metal hawk.
18.accummulated supply regal head.
No numbers given.
Thank you for any help.
1. Hitting the target with lethal consequences. 2. A pipe band needs a few sets of these. 3. Landing area in a hot, dry region. 4. Something very mysterious and unknown to others. Any help much...