Sad news that Tom Weir died this weekend. Can anyone let me know if there are plans to show a special tv programme about him or re-runs of his brilliant shows? I've watched repeats on STV in the past,...
In the home I am renting the kitchen cupboards smell like a sort of dead skunk, stale, rancid aroma that hits you right between the eyes every time you open a cupboard. I have washed them out three...
Does anybody know the best way to clean a fluffy toy? I have an old Snoopy which is white fur-fabric and bean-filled. Is it ok to put him in the washing machine then leave him to dry, or should I just...
About 12 months ago I read a book which I think was called Shangrila? A fictional story about an Aussie who escapes from prison in Australia and then heads to India and eventually Afghanistan....