Has anybody here had a brain tumor removed from the Pituitary glan? If so how was your road to recovery? Did you suffer any brain swelling weeks after sugery? did you lose any site? How long did you...
Has anyone seen any good movies recently that they can recommend. The Constant Gardener has been much praised by critics but I dont think that necessarily always means it will be enjoyable to watch.
what was the name of the film where the poltergiest has sex with that woman. it took me ages to watch it all the way through ..............if you know what i mean?? :~)
We all love Better Off Dead, The Sure Thing, Breakfast Club et al. I'm trying to remember a film that was about a kid who starts college and I think there's some sort of caveman type person who he...
This is mainly for those who have reservations about the death penalty, although anyone who wants can answer if you so wish. Are there any circumstances in which you might advocate it?.
Not sure whether any of you have seen this but I think you would appreciate it... this lady has definitely got the right idea, fed up with nagging her kids and other half to pick up after themselves...
I have many years experience of being a teacher, but lately I have come across a couple of children who are just nasty. I don't know about their upbringing or background, but for 7 year olds, they are...
I have a condenser tumble dryer. I put it on last night and the clothes were still damp this morning. It won't get hot! Does anyone know what could be wrong and, more importantly, how much it would...
Can anyone help? My best friend has had insomnia for ten years at first she could get a couple of hours of kip at some point during the night, but recently it has got worse she goes for days with no...
6 weeks ago my daughter had a mouse.she paid ?85 for someone to come out he put the usual bait and things they do and 3 weeks ago got the all clear.but this morning she has seen mouse droppings .the...
I'm in the middle of trying to repaint radiators which were painted by the previous owner with non-radiator paint. The paint is flaking off really badly..i sanded off the worst and cleaned it with...