in terms of time - im sure everyones come across this question atleast once before...but anyway... if time can be broken down to something as small as miliseconds and nanoseconds, surley you can just...
sorry - wasnt sure where this should go... i was thinking...if i say, im going to move from "here" to go over "there" - then actually its impossible. by the time i get "there" - there is no "there" as...
Does anyone who watches the Graham Norton programme remember one where he went on the internet and found a site that translated signs. I think from Japanese into English and they were really funny....
The cost of living. And the lazy arses who complain about it , whilst being on incapacity , unemployment , single parent benefits . Leeches : 0) D T H ?
Welll hope its not too early in the morning. But i thought id ask this question. so............................................................. Who on answerbank would you say youd calll your...
Has anyone had any freakish ingrowing hairs? Many years ago in my armpit, whilst bored, I went exploring and found a strange hole, like an enlarged pore. I decided to root round with a needle and...
A close friend's ten year old daughter has been diagnosed with cancer and is in hospital too far awayf or me to get to (and she is not really feeling like visitors anyway) When I first heard I sent a...
is it true that if a man and woman wore a white fluffy t shirt for a day and at the end of the day they picked out the fluff. The womans would be pink and the mans would be blue?
im going mad!!!!! iv had back pain in my lower back and iv been told iv pulled a muscle.i have done all the excercises and rested my back but its still hurting and have been off work for four weeks...
Hi all, Any advice on what to do about noisy neighbours. I am not talking music or rows but noctunal bedtime activity!!! We live in a flat with their bedroom and ours sharing a wall. it got so loud...
Ok not expecting anyone to know what the !NORMAN! i'm talking about here, but, I watched a film about 15-20 years ago about a family who move from an American city to a mountain town. The inhabitants...
Ok the list will be of what films I own and what films I wish to purchase in the future. Yes I know its boring but I am bored at mo! So here is one I do remember liking but again have forgotten title....
Im gonna chill at home, probably force myself to watch the Friday Night Project, maybe a cheeky film, who knows, I might even end up at IKEA at 11pm at night lol