1. Smouldering anger.
2. Said to be unfit for God-fearing people.
3. Cake eaten by angels but only in Italy.
4. They dream of these the night before Christmas....
26 Marital problems around the table (7)
28 He's not Figaro. He'd rather make pies (7,4)
43 A comprehensive show 4,6,7)
50 It sounds alright to me (2,3)...
All answers contain a colour - Open up the country of everyday folk. (7,5) ( Could it be village green?) Had Ferrer on his knees (6,5) Don't cut it in winter (3,5,5,5,2,4) The Amorous adventures of...
1. Gatherings dealing with seasonal treats (9,5) 2. Everyday assortment in special package (9,3)
(Think this could be either Christmas Box or Choccolate Box)...
All answers are fruits or vegetables and are straight, anna or anagram Shown annually in a sealed box (12) Cultivated by Romans: mediaeval aphrodisiac (10) (Could this be nectarine?)