You have both inspired me lol
If you went to a party and had to dress up as someone with the same letter as your name. Who would it?
I can honestly say that i dont know either
Must put the laptop away coz I am gettin nothing done! Will be away Mon-Weds, so look forward to catchin up on the posts on Weds nite. Have a good evening - cheery x P.S Dont let me back on later -...
Hi All
Can anyone think of a good fancy dress costume beginning with N? Its for new years eve and Im struggling! Im female by the way and 19, so nothing grannyish please!!lol
on courtesy of emsey and gills big brass band
bish!! bash!! crash!! bang!! wallop!!
i know a song that gets on ya nearves...!!
c0ckad00dle - d00!!
ding dong!!
Grab emsey, I have got loads of rope, gaffer tape and a chair, bob her in the chair, and we can tie her up and silence her with gaffa tape, then we can all eat dinner while shes watches and drools...