I have just got my hair highlighted. Thing is, I'm naturally a redhead, so they turned out a caramel shade. How can I brighten them up so they look more blonde?
for those who have tried this product for at least a month, id like to know whether it helped you shift some pounds and whether it helps work out the stomach area or thighs only. im thinking of...
I have a full time office job as a project manager but thinking about changing direction. There are a few jobs I am interested in (police officer, teacher and architect fo starters!).... but to find...
I am looking to research the above and need help! Need to find out all the special appliances in Great Manchester Fire Service. Could someone please let me know about them and their location? Thanks...
Apart from getting crushed, what are the consequences of having no car tax?I car share with my sister as we work at the same company and she is so lazy and conveniently keeps 'forgetting' to get it...
A femail friend was interested in my career in the Army, so I was showing her some photo's I've had over the years, including some taken just days before I left, she remarked that she thought I looked...
Morning everyone!! I know that this question has been asked loads on here so I apologise for asking yet again. I'm due my second baby in August, don't know the sex of it and me and hubby are arguing...
Hi, I'm looking for tried and tested, sure fire creams that work effectively to decrease the appearance of scars. Have some which I'd rather weren't there, they're healed but still red in colour, and...
I went for my 3 yearly smear this week and the nurse has told me that I have a cervical polyps, she is informing my GP who will ask for an appointment at the gyno clinic at my local hospital. I have...
Hi all, quick question, my new boyf is 6"5. I'm not (5"9, little short man). It's kinda wigging me out a little but he thinks Im being ridiculous as he doesn't see it as an issue. Anyone got a...
i know this q was asked last year (by mnko i think) but it made me chuckle so i thought i'd ask it again xXx if you met another ABer, how would you kiss them? kiss on the hand - i adore you kiss on...
ok, boys can call theirs a willy, and thats fine. it doesn't sound offensive or funny... but what did you call 'yours' when you were young? i just refered to them as 'privates' and was thoroughly...
i have had a hair cut ,my eye brows waxed today also i have joined slimming world today . god i feel nice and sexy today . what pampering do you like .to make you feel good ?
THis is turning into a similar creme egg add "How do you eat yours....?" Anyhoo, how do you like your bacon? Just cooked or grilled until it resembles charcoal and snaps ! I like my bacon really...
Going on a long haul flight soon and wonder if anyone can recommend anything that's strong and actually works? I have tried valluim before but it seems to have the opposite effect on me. Thanks in...