i have been growing two tomato plants outdoors ,,,they have quite a few tomato's now ,but just as they are starting to go red something is attacking them ,,,,i have lost a few so far .i have covered...
stuck on two ......1down i think the answer is terrible.......8 letters i have _ e _ r _ _ _ e clue frightful ......and 17 a 4 letters _ _ _ s clue disadvantages....its driving me crazy thanks for any...
i have been growing 2 tomato plants indoors for about 6_7 weeks ,they were coming along fine until last week when i noticed the leaves were starting to curl and wither slightly at the edges ,the...
further to my question about indoor tomato's ,i have noticed a lot of them are turning brown on the bottom of the actual tomato ....is this normal ?or do i have a plant that's infected in some way ?
trying to finish this one ,,,,,,,21a ,,,5 letters ....... _ r _ c _ clue : find a silly teacher when he is lost .....is it trace ....track ?cant make sence of it .......thank you ....
pondered over this one all weekend ....appreciate some help .....11 down , clue be obsessed with ......4 , 2 , 3 , 5. _ a _ e _ n _ h _ b _ a _ n . loks like something on the brain ??
4d. treads and risers. ?T?I?S 11d. hold responsible. ?R?N? T? A?C?D?T 52d. of a book, not yet opened. U????? 58a. worthy of pride. R?S?E?T?D 62a. very inebriated. ?R?N? A? ? ?O?D 21a. husked crushed...