Stuck with two answers:-
34a Journalist following italian river is dignified.
I have P?I?E?
19d Passage other than going round river
I have ?X?E?P?
Thanks AB...
These cryptic clues!! 40a Show prize from love in winding street - I have *o*e*t* 20a Affair with Othello, say - I have *m*u* - is it amour? 10d Degree award for trees on edge of forest - I have -...
I have cot the crossword done but am stuck with the name of the person in the photograph. Any assistance will be much appreciated - thank you.
Finding difficulty relating some of the answers to the clues this week.
Can anyone help with 5 down "Gives out" D*A*S and 6 down "Loathsome"I***L*R***E
Many thanks. AB...
I am stuck with 91a Cuisine of the province of Guangdong based on stir-frying and steaming meats and vegetables (9)
and 73d A popular 1920s hairstyle (8)
Any help much appreciated.