I read somewhere on this subject that after 6 years, creditors have no chance of getting any money back off you that you may owe. For instance, my boyfriend has an outstanding amount on a small loan...
Hi, thanks for your answers in advance. I have an unusual situation where Im living abroad with no real intention of living in the UK for at quite a while. I have around ?6,000 of debts on a credit...
I am hoping that someone will be able to advise me on this, as it is seriously stressing me out! I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and the worry is driving me to distraction! My partner...
I bought an item with a credit card in Sept 2000 and now want to claim compensation. I have the visa receipt with the card number but dont know which card I used. How can I find out which Bank issued...
i have around ?7,ooo in debt on cards and loans. i am unable to meet payments due to now being on income support due to long term illness with no insurance to cover payments. i have negotiated with...
i bought a new lg widescreen last year 24/06/04 from rgb hifi&videobut it has developed a fault and is stuck in standby,anyway i rang rgb be told me to ringlg as it has a 12month warranty so i...
I am looking to get a mortgage in the next few years or so, and am reluctant to do so. The problem is is that my other half has a very bad credit score. There are Default notices, but no CCJ's, and...
If my landlord hasnt paid the mortgage on the house I rent and I have had a repossession letter from the lenders solicitor saying the house will be repossessed am I allowed to break my tenancy...
I have a pretty bad credit rating at present due to a few financial problems in the last couple of years. I am now trying to sort this out but I need to open a new account for the house I live...
my husband traded a set of wheels for nicer than what he had on his truck.But the thing is that the friend that he traded with his truck is not paid for and the wheels were on the truck when hes...
I currently owe about ?11k on my mortgage and have about 40k in savings. The mortgage has about 5 years to run and I pay about ?240 a month. I will retire in 6 years time and will get a lump sum...
I have split up from my ex and need to get her legally removed from the deeds on our house.We have agreed a settlement figure and I have the cash to buy her out straight away. I have been told...
My ex owes me a significant amount of money. It is proving very hard to get it out of him. Is it possible to sue someone privately, anyone know how i would go about it. thanks x