Can any one tell me this guys name? It has completely slipped my mind and it's doing my nut in!
Second from the right... Please help :-)
Hi there i'm doing a study about happiness and want to find out which sounds and gestures you make when highly ecstatic. To give more detail i want you to close your eyes and imagine that you 1- Won...
I thought I would introduce myself and say hi, Im Elle, I just found this place quite by chance yesterday. Hope this is ok to post here. I bring wine, beer and chocolate, so help yourselves :) I...
what is your favourite hit single by a boyband and / or girlband? i like Whole Again byt Atomic Kitten and All Rise by Blue, but i also like C'est La Vie and Jessie Hold On by B*Witched...
Am I alone in thinking that F1 is probably the most boring sport there is? Surely it would be more of a test of skill, therefore a sport, if all drivers drove the same car. As it is, IMO, it's not the...
The F1 season is upon us ( wasn't that quick , eh ?) It's obviously too early to have a good idea of how the teams have done over the interveining period ; but what's your guess / hope as to how you...
It is known that black absorbs heat and white reflects it so why do indiginous peoples of equatorial countries have very dark skins. conversely, other populations have lighter and lighter skins the...
Maybe this has been asked before but it would be interesting to know how ABers imagine other ABers (assuming they haven't met of course) I'll start off with me - I imagine rsvp as toned, tanned,...
Famous Taureans include Queen Elizabeth II, William Shakespeare, George Clooney and Penelope Cruz. This is truly the sign of the talented and beautiful people of the world. Many Taureans are kind,...
Having been dumped tonight I am watching Comic Relief and will probably donate what I would have paid for my night out, assuming the two are commensurate!
Will/are you watching and will you donate?...
Hydrated ? I am constantly getting awful headaches through dehydration and I just cant seem to keep on top of my water intake to the point I feel like I am drinking water all day. Trouble is Im hardly...
In the music, drama, tv, singing, playing a piano, guitar any instruments what you would have liked to have been good at and renowned for and never done it or actually had the money or opportunity to...
Any point in Human history from 200,000 years ago in Africa to today. All ABer's are expected to provide a short reason why you came to decide your choice.
(self explanatory really)
In a similar vein to I Hate Infinities recent question about when would you like to have been born. If you had the chance to go back in time for a visit, who would you like to meet? My choice would be...
We don't expect you to have time to be on AB after today ;) so here's a toast to you both. Every happiness to you both for the future, hope the sun shines on your wedding day. God bless ♥♥...