If 3D is TICK (Cash machine's turn over") then what is 9A Jolly travel on river (6) D*E*C*? Last one, 22D Try a second time? (6) *E*E*R Thanks in advance.
20A Key religious authority (8) *A*D***L I am sure that 11D is SECOND TO NONE but can anyone explain why from Unsurpassed support shown by character about cricket side (6-2-4)???
10a unusual word for precious stones, I have g?m?e?u 13d (4,6) name for US lady retaining her unmarried name, I have ?u?y ?t?n?r Could not get on answer bank Sunday and too busy yesterday. Can anyone...
5D Firings of guns as symbols of intense gladness (4.2.4) ***X/D*/***E and 13A Italian sauce made with anchovies, garlic, capers, oil and herbs (5,5) *A**A/V*R** Thanks in advance.
1D the clue please as this has been completely left off! (4) **C* 1A Translated version of a computer programme (6,4) **J*C*/N*D* and finally 19A Broad valley in the Scottish Highlands (6) *T*A*H Is...