Has anyone had Bitox injections for headaches. After two and a half years of severe daily headaches and numerous tablets that didn't work, my Neurologist has arranged an appointment next month to his...
2D Third part of a classical lyrical stanza, following the strophe and the antistrophe E?o??
15a The house of ???i?i Italian banking family from the 14th century
Stuck on 2
22a autobiography as written by Louis Armstrong in 1954
-E-O-R 6 letters
14d Louis Armstrong was certainly one
-E-T-E-A- 9 letters
thanks in advance...
can anyone please help with my last two:
6a cruel - like the german response in 10across (6) _A_A_ _
2d dissents, revolts(6) _ _ _ E _S
thank you in advance....
8a Shadow of the moon cast on the earth during a solar eclpse ???r? 14a Concave ramps connected by a flat section used in skate boarding H?l? ??p? 18a Aincient Indian language used in Hinduism 28a Old...