Last two
21d (6) arousing discredit being in the red with promises to pay(xDxxxS)
26a(8) someone who presses a suit as a favour,I think it might advocate
Stuck yet again, 19d (6) Wild spasmodic utterance when receiving shock therapy (xExxxx) 23a(10) Supporters complaint about new player(xPxExAxxxR) 26a(8) One watches over guy with queen playing...
Last 3 again?
4d (7) Regular correspondents report of Scottish island (SxAxxxR)
10a(8) Presenter of TV show with unusual format introducing new name(xxOxTxAx)
17d(7)Fruit and nuts (BxSxNxS)...
4d (8) ones bit put out,having to be deferential (OxxxxxNx) 8d(10) landing in another world,look around wicked city.No letters,sorry 12a(12) A potholer cubs in trouble-could be he's this (Cx...
Top left Hand corner giving me problems 1a is the answer drawback? 9a (8) sickly stuff from Maureen and the girls MxxxxxEx 2d (6) attractiveness of short lane outside old city (Axxxxx) 3d (8)...
16d (9) Strategic expert showing diplomacy in charge with Scotsman(TxxxxxxxN
17a (9) Genuine source of arbitration disputed in the TUC. ( AxTxxxTxx)...
Yet again last two
16d (8) One looking to the future admitting son may become religious writer
26a(8)Restrained old hooligan given anaesthetic (xxTxCxExEx)...
Last three
1d(6) a European levy to produce inflation(6) xxxxTx
1a (6) pests concealed in recess mostly xxHxDx
9a (6) cooks instructions ready to embrace eastern cuisines starter xxCxPx...
Stuck on last few 17d (2-6) Involved person admitting Home Office failures NxHxxxx 23a (8) Sat,agitated with phone going off in carriage Sxaxhxxx 25a (6) Ambassador taken in by right wing supposition...