12,a On reversing, sounded horn, say, warning ladies and others,(10) n---e---e.
4a, Indicationof text missing over page, on ones reprimanded. (6) -a---t.
Help appreciated....
Nearly finished with no help...but stuck on 10a, Spy translated clue for atomic group. (8) m-l-e---. And 7d, Sea where girl. And I may find shelter. (7) l-l---e. Explanations greatly appreciated....
18d, Runner in Africa who's refusing to face reality? (7) o-t----.
And, 8d, Sure, some get in if editor is rejected . (8) and not sure about the letters in --t---t-....
Help for 24a, Reportedly, conflict between industrial plants important in Us city (9) no letters!
And 17a, Trim paths and area requiring cultivation around old oil worker? (14)...
Stuck on one , no two!
19d, leave without resources - need way to get currency. (6)-t----.
And 28 a, Time the bowler started? More than time! (7) o-d---e....
15a, A long time after holiday, gets damages. (9) b---------. And,
18d, Father takes anything if distressed(7) f------.
16d, Emplpoyed by gardener, get icebergs full of vitality(9)!...
16a, a learner tucking into a dogs dinner or some seafood? (7) -t-l-n-.
And 19d, Lots of information came across, one sack being carried up (7) -eg--I-...
Nearly finished except bottom right corner!
21a, be on friendly terms with graduate having a great time after game. (3,5) 19d, bright worker after six with leading pair of brothers (7) v------ ....
28a, Letting a ruined medieval castle. (8) t-------. 4a, Despondency when daughters dismissed, getting the sack? (8) -t------. And 13a, Hat for a hatter.? (7)n------. Explanations appreciated!...
Last few. 1d, start off with exploit that is to restrict tax. (8) -c---a-e.
21d, (6) plant to reduce to nothing around start of autumn. (6). A-n---....
Help again! 18d, funny thinking heralded by the first of April (7) a------.
And 23 a, Nothing in beer - and no golf, in Dubai for example. (7) --n- -o-r....