neighbours cats keep coming in our garden and doing their business,I understand that there is a plant that will discourage them.Does anyone know what it is called?
I have several music videos in my you tube account that I would like to burn the music to disc , but I have no idea how to go about this. When I try to download the items to media player,itunes etc...
For some reason in the last week my pc (running XP) keeps displaying a box saying that macromedia flash cannot be found? Any suggestions would be appreciated
My CTX tft monitor won't fire up? When the on/off button is pressed it lights up for a split second as if it is going to turn on, and then nothing. Have checked cables etc and our old monitor works...
I need to cut some of my conifers as they are getting to tall. So can I just cut them straight across to shorten them or am I supposed to cut at an angle/
Our Toshiba TV has started to play up. It works fine when first switched on, but after a few moments the picture breaks up and all the colours of the rainbow are displayed. This continues for a while...
My pc has just started to play up. On starting it goes through the motions until a blue screen appears and then very quickly disappears, all I have managed to read is system file error will not boot...
My grandson (20months old) has a real passion for JCB`s or diggers, has anyone heard of a road show or demonstrations for the public? I realise this maybe a long shot!!!
I have a 406 coupe 3.0L that has had a new rad fitted. The aircon is working as it should, the car temp is normal,but the heater is luke warm, the rad has been bleed from the top valve. Does anybody...
have been using this program to view small vids created on my wife's Kodak camera for ages, today however it just produces flashes of colour with sound - but no images - have checked latest version...
I have a large collection of cd`s + Mp3 which I would like to catalogue, so I can search for tracks quickly, can anyone recommend a software package for windows xp?