Hi all, 7D, pre-eminent, distinguished, (7) h?t?g?e. 1D, a widely held but erroneous notion, (4) m?t?. 16D, parrot, by rote, like. (8) ?o?i?e??. 27A, fruitful agricultural product, (10) ?l???l?s?r....
Hi all, 18 A, a building up of strength, (13) r?i?f?r???e?t. 23 A, removing mystrriously, (9) s?i?i????. 16 D, harmonium, accordion, etc, (4,5) r???w???n, 19 D, was too sweet, (6) ???y?d. 21 D, lure,...
Hi all, 3 down, sayings in old testament book, (8) p?o?e???. 14 across, common garden plants, (10) r?s???s?e?. 24 across, four sided geometric figure, (7) d?a???d. 23 down, silky coated breed of dog,...