122a) Lengthy piece of writing (6) s????? 155d) Slumped (8) ?l?u???d 130d) Allergic reaction compound (9) ????????e 65d) Core region of support (9) heart?a?d. Is it heartland ? 137d) Of the open sea...
Hi all
4 across, german air-force, (9) l?f???f??.
6 down, film director Billys more undisciplined, (6) ????e?.
17 down laRGE SCALE, ALL INCLUSIVE, (9) ????n?i?e
Thank you....
Hi all stuck on four please, 2 down, abstract form suggesting movement by illusion, (2, 3) o?a?t. 31 across, spontaneous release of seeds or pollen.(10) d?h?s?e?c?. 41 across, possessing teeth like an...
Please help on the last three. 10 across. (12) expediting, assisting. ?a???i???i?g. 2 down, (10) word or phrase that reads the same backwards as it dose forwards ?a???d?a?e. 4 down. (6) predestine,...
Hi all, stuck on three please, 5 down, guises, personalities, (10) u?e?t?t?e?. 27 across, hesitant, disinclined. (9) r?n?c?a?t. 29 across, butterfly, a lecherous male, (5) s?t?r. I think this is...
10 across, proverb suggesting that hope may be near even when things seem bleak. (3,7,4,2,4,6,3,4) 5 down, Eloquent (10) 20 across, generous bestowal of gifts (8) l??????. 21 down, insurrectionaries,...
Hi there I have two drives on my Acer aspire laptop A and D. I installed Everio media browser on drive A but there is very little space on drive A and I would like to move this to drive d. Is this...
Evening all, Stuck on a few 17down, caused to absorb water, (8) ?e?r???d. 20 down, say again, (7) e?s???e. 21 down, undead bloodsucke, (7) e?m???e. 28 across , Greek philosopher, (9) ??????t?e. Thank...
I asked this question last week and got a few answers but alas no solution, my problem is on the dropdown menu on the title bar it gives a list of the sites I have called up, under that it gives a...