Who would you give yout last rolo to? Credit for my Bob for the suggestion...mwah x Ps. If you can't thing of anyone then feel free to send them my way ;)
I was out the other night and saw Bob's Brenda in a bit of a state. just see for yourselves! http://i13.tinypic.com/4870z0y.jpg The hussey! Do I tell him or not! He'd be sooo, deflated :( I can't...
My laptop screen went darker earlier. I've checked the battery and rebooted but it's still dark. It's not very old and the screen it normally too bright if anything. Now it's too dark :( I've not...
What was your awwww moment, or moments, today. I went out without a scrap of makeup on to my facial. Decided to hide on the bus as was very self conscious but a lovely man told me I was beautiful :)...
I'm putting together some Christmas showboxes for children in Romania and Mozambique. Pretty much ok for Romania as did some youth work there but does anyone have any suggestions as to small or easily...
Do any of you other ladies come across this? I'm not much of a feminist but it irks me in my job when assumptions are made mostly because you're female. People who know me or who I do work for aren't...
My armpits feel really painful and sore and feel a bit swollen. It's not to do with shaving or anything like that, they were painful beforehand. Does anyone know what could be causing it?
An ex of mine from a very brief relationship about 9 years ago started texting me a couple of years back. Just general stuff then we met up when he came up here for a gig. I'd already arranged to go...
Ok, who was the idiot who forgot to change her bedroom clock back an hour and got up at 5am this morning instead of 6 when her alarm went off Urrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Ok, sorry, a question...what is your...