Ok, you have the house to yourself, and the remote! What would your perfect evenings TV veiwing include, what would you eat, and what drinkies would you have?
Do you always take a handful to make sure you can put one on all your jackets, and not be "caught short" during the week? Apparently this is common practice according to the poppy lady I saw...
Anyone tried Tesco's long salt and cracked pepper crusted long baguette - its seriously yummy ...........BAD BAD BAD for your health no doubt, but try it and you will be hooked! Its very hot with all...
Did anyone else watch this last night? Some of the reviewers were complete morons! One guy who took it upon himself to review how well the hotels catered for children and families, despite the fact he...
Just been in to a new local shop called the Sweet Emporiam.I filled a bag with pear drops, spearmint chews, mintoes, liquorice & blacurrant, humbugs & sherbert lemons. All for £3,...
hi all iat the same place for the last 2 years, and they have ahnded me a form to do a credit check, i was wondering if anyone elses company does this and why do they need to do this. surely me having...
I know this is more than a bit of a dumb question but can you make yourself ill from eating gone off marg? Like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter (I know, it's not 'real' marg).
Would it be possible that when you look in the list of your questions asked that any with new answers (since the last time you looked) were maybe highlighted in a different colour, so they stood out...
What's the word or phrase you would use when you will do something, even though you never said you would originally do it? It is a business type term. Thanks
Anyone been watching and following the Silus storyline? I saw on Twitter last week who his planned victim is but not what happens to the others. I've got wayyyyy too into it! Do you think they'll drag...
because I'm clean shaven! I hate it, it doesn't feel like me! Some people are saying I look 10 years younger but I just think it makes me look like a meff! Anything that would seem normal to anyone...
Things that when you heard about them you said: That will never work, that will never take off. 1) Plastic car bumpers. 2) Milk in a cardboard box When a calculator first became available to joe...
For years when using an ATM for cash I've always chosen to get a receipt with the money. These days the first thing I do every morning is to check my bank account on-line to see what transactions have...