This is a long question but it needs to be long to explain it all. One of my close family members, female (47) is married to a man of the same age and they have 2 children (11 and 8). They have been...
I had cause to call the Fire Brigade out earlier while i was out as I passed a litter bin blazing away at the side of a field, I called 999 for the Fire Service and immediately apologised to the...
Since yesterday I've pain from one tooth. It hurts when I bite with it and is very sensitive to hot and cold. Other than mouthwash is there anything I should try that might let me avoid visiting the...
put up or persevered with. Going on the thread about watching a tv drama programme because of the writer, review. To follow it for weeks and then come to the end and realise what a waste of time. Do...
My x wife and I have been sharing the same rented property for the last 5 years allthough we divorced some 8 years ago.We are well into retirement and receive housing benefit as a couple.However we...
So I've got all these tins of ravioli. (I know, I know ... don't even ask!) #seemedlikeagoodidea I've just microwaved some, and tried to make it a bit more interesting with some black pepper and... /// He said: "If more men were homosexual, there would be no wars, because...
I was talking to someone yesterday who was adamant that his brothers wife's brother would be classes as his own brother in law. I'm pretty sure he's just his sister's in law brother. (god that's...
I live in a weird little valley of people who im convinced are interbreeding and each successive generation is becoming dimmer though on the plus side their digits on their hands and feet are...
i've just clicked on to a thread and in the box below submit came 3 friends unfriended you as i dont go on face book im a little upset or is it a scam ?
Hi Naomi, We don't come into contact much but your name just popped up on screen and reminded me about a book I've just started reading you might be interested in. It's called The Heretics by Will...
My windscreen wipers make a horrible noise on the glass. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? They weren't as good as they could be until I cleaned them with alcohol but now I've got this...
Got home from swimming last night and dumped my towel and cossie on the floor to take down to the wash. While I was in the shower I noticed the cat ecstatically nuzzling into the little pile. There's...
Right. This is quite a long one, I'm afraid. My son was complaining of a bad headache last week, and was off school on the Monday because of this. On previous occasions this had been due to him not...
Do we really need any more versions of smart phones? There was a feature on telly this morning about the next generation, and the "amazing" Apps they will have. Like ... You can talk to you phone, and...
Did anyone else watch the Aylesbury prison programme tonight? What did you make of it?Are we too soft with them all?Some of these prisoners are seriously screwed up.
A post I have just read regarding minimum age for AB users got me thinking.... What is the age range on this site? Hope you dont think my question rude, if you dont want to post your age, then that is...
At work and every time I close the car door I get static shocks. So much so at work that I actually hate having to touch anything now because they are so frequent and strong, they actually hurt. What...