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Can anyone tell me why everybody is so down on the 'russian' person? I feel left out not knowing :0(
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Just to say cool-russian is NOT (repeat) NOT me! Whoever it is I hope you have enjoyed your day as "the russian" you will see now why I LOVE AB!
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Love of combat is a virtue in a private, a vice in a captain, and a crime in a general.
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This was the answer I posted to the Russians question,(before it was removed lol ) on whether she was a virgin being a lesbian, so thought I would post it anyway as its an interesting subject. That is...
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I know we have had are differences lets put them aside what would you all bring to my birthday party no cheapskating
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the sniper
well? own up, who is it? who is so sad that all they have in their pathetic small useless life is the removal of questions and answers? losers
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I have slept with a lot of British woman. The Scottish women are like men so why is this?
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Would you say I am a virgin? I have never had any kind of sex with a man (in fact I have never even kissed a man) but I have to admit I have slept with alot of women.So am I am virgin or not?
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My friend told me that his close mate somehow managed to convince a lesbian to sleep with him. Can this really happen ? is it possible to have a one night stand with lesbian ?

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