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'My Heart Will Go On' to be precise, should I get me Garth toons on lol
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Is Fatboy the most annoying character EVER in Eastenders? I'm not sure what language he speaks but he needs subtitles....
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Are a joke! Just rang number that is "supposed" for job centre yet I get transfered to switchboard 5 seperate times and after 6th time got through. So 8 minutes later at 0845 rate...will...
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anotheoldgit /// Divorced father of two and committed Christian Gary McFarlane was applying to the Court of Appeal for permission to challenge a ruling which backed...
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R1Geezer Not according to Eddie Izzard! Is it not possble for Noo Labour luvvies to stand back and be Objective? Must the Tories/Libdems be punished for daring to question mighty Noo...
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Without any particular reference to their policies, in the context of the MPs expenses scandal which of these dynamic duos would you most Trust to run the Country Well and Honestly :- a) Nick Clegg...
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Francis Asis
that a quick google would give the answer to?
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My friend is having a budget wedding this weekend and asked me to take some photos for her. There will be some group pics needed, so once all the people are together how would you ask everyone to...
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Hoping the families don't have to wait for justice for much longer. YNWA.
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neighbours next door have got themselves a burger van that they park up round the back of their house on a private car park near to their back garden gate. they have revamped the van and off they have...
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bazwillrun Pinch me, wake me up, did i really read this ! How much worse is it going to get in this country, the lunatics really are running the asylum...
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Just curious how you all choosed your user names. mine is nothing like my name .I wanted Wendy but got a choice of 3 and chose this one. But most people on here call me Wendi anyway.
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At Liverpool`s Pier Head today a memorial service was held to honour the people who lost their lives in a well documented disaster. Wallace Hartley was instrumental in this disater. Do you know which...
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http://www.dailymail....ds-British-study.html I know I am once again walking on dodgy ground, but in the interest of a debate, is this study completely correct? Yes one cannot doubt that some mixed...
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AB Editor

With the current controversy surrounding the catholic church, do you feel that the Pope or the Catholic Church itself have lost their authority?

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AB Editor

With the current controversy surrounding the catholic church, do you feel that the Pope or the Catholic Church itself have lost their authority?

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