Very simple question. If a person didn't reply to your email, shall I consider "ignored" or the person is busy to return. I understand it will depend on what kind of email content but is it normal to...
Can anyone help please, i am stuck on these questions. all answers are capital or principal cities 1 storehouse 9 letters 2 vehicular ailment? 7 letters 3 not the full Surely 10 letters. 4 with a...
4d- am sorry I ever turned the key to open g?i?v? 6d- prepared for ride, tot gets into vehicle s?d???d 8d- like many a chap,, I go out of business ?a???o?d 13a- romancing in bed? ????g 21d- hows that...
whale polar bear seal penguin and it isnt that penguins are birds or that polar bears are the only one's that always live on land. see if you can think of other answers.
overheard some when going on a 1st date . is it too presumptious to carry a condom with you? this is a question to both women and men. it would seem to suggest youre expecting a certain amount of...
Came third with 191 out of 200 (winner got 197). Won nominal prize of ?5 (5 pounds) donated back to the cause ..... it's the taking part they tell me. Once again, thanks for everyone's help. AC
7a. colour of noisy shark (5) 24a. on cycle per second is harmful,we hear (5) 1d. shock outing as cult comedian (4,5) 10a. mix sardines together on rolls as starters (4)
The 1st Kirkbymoorside Scout Group have a new quiz available; 'Animal Films'. The answers are all films whereby at least one of the main characters is an animal or the film storey line is strongly...
Hi there all, what has your day been like today? i had the day off work was hoping for a lovely lay in but no chance with my two cats i had franky pokin my eye then attackin my feet coz he wanted...
sorry don't know how many letters in the answers. 7. out of the shower with nothing 26. young boy messing about 30. always a food hunter 36. boastful to all 38. jet plane