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All answers end with 'ate' 6)Think hard (11) 8)Sports reporters do this (10) 24) Free from restriction (10) 25)Remove from difficulty (9) 27)Make into grains (9) 28)Be essential (11) 32)Mix into...
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Remove limits in district before replacing this one - ?E?E?T?I?T Thanks
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Report covered Romeo's crude weapon (9) ?O?M?R?N? Now, I make it BOOMERANG - the 'OOMER' being an anagram of 'ROMEO'. But don't understand how 'Report=BANG'
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Does anyone know any good websites where i can watch flims for free online?
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Pea Brain
Am I the only one for whom this site is on a go slow ? It has been really bad for about a week now and I wondered if anyone else was suffering ? I manage to look at a couple of pages before I get...
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In June 1973 the first student graduated from which university?
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Why ?
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question42 does anybody have any clues to the footballer who played for scotland and leeds in the 70/80's.i am completely stuck on this one .Thanks
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Hi, has anyone got any ideas where i can purchase one of these at a reasonable price, its not an average wallet, its much larger. Thankyou
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Julia Irene
I'm stuck on the last one: 6down, the clue is "In plentiful fashion" (12 letters) I've got: p-o-i-i-a-l-. Can anyone help please?
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Proceeds to Lavender trust Breast cancer Care (1017658) All answers have a seasonal theme.... 100 gen knowledge, cryptic, anag, etc.... Available NOW by mail only.... Cut off date 3rd Jan 2008 Prize...
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I remember a chocolate bar they used to sell in the 80s and maybe into the 90s that had either mint crispy bits or orange crispy bits. What was it called? It wasnt Bitz was it?
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Bill is doing the crossword and Andy asks how he's getting on, Bill says I'm stuck on one word, what's the clue asks Andy, a women's sexual organ, 6 letters beginning with the letter V. Andy thinks...
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i would be grateful for any help played football for scotland and leeds utd in the 70/80's is it billy bremner .Thanks for any help. question 42 What is the origin of boxing day .I am not sure as i am...
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If you're not sleepy then maybe you can keep me entertained for another half hour... I'll start, smut
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dos any one know where i can get the instructions for a solsuno (zeon tech) watch. I have one butdont know how to set it up. please there must be some one out there who has one surely
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I'll start. 1.
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Did you hear about the suicidal dyslexic ? He shat himself
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all answers are models or makes of a car... 1.spear carrying cavalry soldier(6 letters) 2.pop star insect (6) 3. fairway flog (4) 4.not a roundhead (8) 5. picturesque(6) 6. a notion (4) Any ideas?
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Once again the local common has been invaded by 'travelling people'. On this occasion they broke down the sturdy road barrier to a cul-de-sac. They are still there after a week, apparently the council...

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