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System of training through physical movement to music
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granny grump
Thankyou Aquagility, sonyme, sarumite & teddybears for your clues - I really did mean to try and finish the quiz with your help. I was having my 60th birtday party on Friday (although my birthday...
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il doctore
what is a system of training through physical movement to music
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2d small duck related to the mallard _e_l 13d non- technical name for the sternum b_e_s_e_ _ _ 17d shrub widely cultivated for its showy drooping flowers _u_i_ _ _
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23 down type of penetrating, ionising radiation consisting of electromagnetic waves, 25 down restricted (a student) to college as a punishment
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32a in chemistry to incorporate by absorption 43a relating to William, Austrian born psychiatrist
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Gordon 67
A belt of marshy land at the foot of mountains, especially the Himalayas in north India T*R*I
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restricted (a student) to college as a punishment G?T?D Many thanks
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28ac System of training through physical movement to music-------thanks in advance
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biblical land -a-a-n small duck related to the mallard -e-l thanks in advance
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System of training through physical movement to music
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12ac Organ of reproduction in plants such as crocus
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What is a "A jump into the water feet first with the knees clasped to the chest"
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Can anyone help me? All are Film Titles 1. "The Glums"? (3 10) 2. Avril? (5 2 5) 3. The upper classes? (4 7) 4. Gallic Coupling? (3 6 10) 5. This is news? (3 5 3) 6. Ouch!!? (3 5) 7. Gallic Red Mill?...
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In chemistry, to incorporate (a substance) by absorption or adsorption (7) *c*l*d*
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27 across - fine, slightly stiff cotton fabric, used especially for dresses. Thanks!
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crossie fan
20d In Britain, the number represented as one followed by 24 zeros. Is is quadrillion? Thanks
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I read this yesterday and was going to put it in the news section but thought better of =/news/2007/10/26/nsex126.xml
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relating to the leg or thigh ( 6 ) chemistry to incorporate by absorbtion ( 7 )
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7 down - Inflammation of the Mucous membrane that lines the nose? R?I?I??S Many thanks in advance

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