Thankyou Aquagility, sonyme, sarumite & teddybears for your clues - I really did mean to try and finish the quiz with your help. I was having my 60th birtday party on Friday (although my birthday...
2d small duck related to the mallard _e_l 13d non- technical name for the sternum b_e_s_e_ _ _ 17d shrub widely cultivated for its showy drooping flowers _u_i_ _ _
Can anyone help me? All are Film Titles 1. "The Glums"? (3 10) 2. Avril? (5 2 5) 3. The upper classes? (4 7) 4. Gallic Coupling? (3 6 10) 5. This is news? (3 5 3) 6. Ouch!!? (3 5) 7. Gallic Red Mill?...
I read this yesterday and was going to put it in the news section but thought better of =/news/2007/10/26/nsex126.xml